Find the media statements below that have been issued by the Minister for Health or Healthway.
29 August: New app function bridges the gap
19 August: Karen Brown appointed to lead Lotterywest and Healthway Boards
12 August: Funding supports healthy changes in WA schools
4 June: Partnership with GSAC breaks 20-year drought
9 June: A bespoke performance
14 June: Telethon Kids Institute’s NICU project
24 June: $600,000 to boost creativity and wellbeing for young people
30 April: From little seeds, big things grow
15 April: Health Minister appoints new Board member to the Healthway Board
22 February: New Lotterywest and Healthway CEO appointed
1 February: Funding support for health and wellbeing in WA schools
18 December: Healthway pitches in
26 October: New vaping prevention campaign for young people
7 August: Small grants to make a big health impact in schools
26 July: Keeping Kimberley kids healthy now and into the future
25 July: WA-based research leads to State-wide success
13 July: Funding to understand mental health literacy of young aboriginal men
9 June: Research funding to address health gaps
11 May: South West gets with the mental health and wellbeing program
21 March: A wave of change as surfing events focus on mental health
7 March: Funding available for schools to address vaping and health eating
23 February: Funding to help Cancer Council WA stop vaping by young people
21 February: Increasing healthy eating for people with disability
9 February: Healthy food access for more WA regions
30 January: Improving mental health in regional WA
20 December: Race around the State a healthy success
19 December: Sport clubs making the healthy change
14 December: Healthway and Lotterywest launch Hub to maximise social impact of community grants
9 December: Planting the seeds for a healthy Margaret River
15 November: Creating healthy racing events
31 October: Healthway welcomes new board member
29 September: Healthway, baseball and Telethon Kids’ Institute turn up the heat
29 September: Edging towards social and emotional wellbeing
28 September: Healthy sports funding keeps kids well nourished
27 September: Student leadership initiative promotes mental wellbeing
27 September: Building health research capacity in Aboriginal communities
6 September: Small grants set to make big impact on health of WA students
27 July: Investing in research to protect WA kids from harmful industries
18 July: Sport grants to keep young people active
1 July: $1.95 million to help create healthy sport and arts programs
20 June: Sports program to support Aboriginal children’s mental health
5 May: Health kick for community sporting clubs
4 April: Sporting grants to create healthy communities
1 April: More than $2.4 million in funding to continue to make smoking history
1 April: Kicking a goal for healthier sporting clubs
22 March: Healthy funding for WA schools
11 February: New Lotterywest and Healthway CEO commences
1 February: Healthway grants to keep our kids activ
7 December 2021: Funding helps increase healthy options at WA sport clubs
2 December 2021: Healthway celebrates 30 years of promoting healthy lifestyles
1 November 2021: Funding to help create a smoke-free WA
20 October 2021: Reappointment of Healthway Chair
19 October 2021: McGowan Government helping reduce alcohol-related harm
13 October 2021: Country football kicks goals for mental health
13 October 2021: Research fellowship grant to improve childhood mental health
4 August 2021: Grants to boost healthier sporting clubs across the State
20 July 2021: Funding boost to increase healthy eating in community settings
25 June 2021: Supporting Albany’s at-risk youth through the arts
18 June 2021: Healthy Clubs a Western Australian staple
11 June 2021: More than $2 million in funding awarded to Cancer Council WA
1 February 2021: New funding program seeks innovative ideas to get people moving
Other media statements issued by the Minister for Health can be found here.