Apply for up to $5,000 Healthy Communities funding

The aim of the up to $5,000 Healthy Communities funding is to support eligible organisations to deliver small, health promotion pilot projects which aim to:

  • Increase individual knowledge and skills and change behaviour.
  • Create community and organisational policies and environments to improve health.

The guidelines for up to $5,000 provide an overview of our funding requirements and the request process. There are separate guidelines when the amount requested is over $5,000.  Grant requests must be received at Healthway at least four (4) calendar months prior to the commencement of the project. 

Please contact the health promotion team to discuss your project prior to developing a request.

Please note: From 1 July 2024, we do not generally fund stand-alone community, arts or sporting events.

Funding for events will only be considered where they form part of a broader program of work over a period that involves multiple and repeat engagement with our priority groups, as well as education opportunities that lead to stronger health outcomes.

Please contact us on 133 777 for further information.

Up to $5,000 Healthy Communities Guidelines

Learn More

Apply for up to $5,000 Health Communities funding

Learn More

Healthy Schools Program – opening in February 2025 

Healthway works in partnership with Western Australian schools to build a healthy and more active WA. The Healthy Schools Program aims to support schools to develop projects that promote the health of students through activities aligned with the Health Promoting Schools Framework. 

As we now have a new Lotterywest Healthway Grants Portal, we are no longer accepting emailed requests. See below on what you need to consider prior to submitting a grant request through the Grants Portal.

To use the new Lotterywest Healthway Portal, please note the following:

  • All grant requests must be submitted through the new Portal.  Hard copy grant requests will no longer be accepted by email.
  • All users and organisations will need to be registered prior to submitting a grant request through the Portal. 
  • Email addresses must be unique to the user and can only be registered once (e.g. or or To ensure data and user details are secure, generic email addresses such as or can no longer be accepted.
  • Once your organisation is approved, you will need to enter the portal and update all of your organisation information and attach mandatory documents prior to submitting a grant request.  Once submitted, our Customer Service Team will review and validate the organisation details.
  • You may begin drafting a grant request while your organisation details are in the process of being validated; however, you will not be able to submit a grant request until your organisation details have been validated.

As the registration and validation process may take some time, we strongly encourage users and organisations to register and update their organisation details as early as possible to avoid the risk of not being able to submit a grant request by the grant request deadline. For further guidance on the Portal please review our Grantee how-to guide.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 133 777, or find out more about the Grants Portal here.

Relevant documents and information

Talk to us about your request

Contact our health promotion team who will provide support and advise you on how to apply.

Telephone: 133 777


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