Healthway is pleased to announce that Dr Tarun Weeramanthri has been appointed as the new Chair of Healthway’s Research Assessment Committee.
Dr Weeramanthri is a highly experienced and respected public health professional. He will play a key role in supporting Healthway’s rigorous assessment process, and informing prevention and health promotion research investments over the coming years.
Dr Weeramanthri served as WA’s Chief Health Officer from 2008 to 2018 and remains a strong contributor to WA’s health sector as an independent public health consultant.
Dr Weeramanthri is the President of the Public Health Association Australia and is a special health advisor to the WA Government Department of Premier and Cabinet. He has previously served as a Healthway Board member from 2008 to 2014.
Dr Weeramanthri will join existing, and new Healthway Research Committee members Professor Alison Garton, Professor Jane Scott, Dr Mick Adams, Associate Professor Hayley Christian, Dr Roslyn Giglia, Mr William Gilmore, Associate Professor Ben Jackson, Associate Professor Jonine Jancey, Dr Jocelyn Jones, Dr Yael Perry and Dr Laura Thomas.
Outgoing Chair Professor Neil Drew served on Healthway’s Research Committee for more than a decade before stepping down in May this year.
We extend our sincere thanks to Professor Drew for his significant contribution to Healthway over the last decade.