Project: Funding:
The Healthy Minds project $4,500
Kulin District High School is an Independent Public School located in the Wheatbelt.
Approximately one-quarter of students are from low socio-economic backgrounds. After reviewing the school’s health and mental wellbeing policies, the school identified a gap in healthy nutrition
education and activities to improve mental wellbeing. The ‘Healthy Minds’ project aimed to
empower students and parents with the knowledge and skills required to make healthy food choices.
Healthway funding supported a workshop facilitator, groceries, and printing costs.
Project activities included:
- Nutrition education sessions, healthy cooking and meal preparation lessons for all secondary classes in collaboration with a local cafe.
- A ‘Healthy Minds’ Day, providing healthy food stalls and recipe cards to encourage students to make the recipes at home.
- Students created healthy recipes, which were published in the school newsletter, along with information to educate parents on alternative recipes for home cooking.
- The school’s Healthy Food Policy was updated with a committee of staff, parents and nutrition experts to reflect new dietary guidelines and best practice.
- The school nurse shared and promoted healthy eating and healthy lifestyle messages to students on an ongoing basis.
- Healthy eating and healthy lifestyle messages will continue to be promoted to students and parents via the school’s newsletter and website.
- Integrated healthy nutrition education into home economics classes and curriculum.